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fluffy tofu bake/quiche

I realize all vegans know how to smush up tofu with their hands, add spices, veggies, then bake.  I wanted to share this because the addition of a shredded potato adds a fluffiness that is amazing.  Potato also adds the ability of the quiche to be cut,  stay together and soak up moisture from veggies, etc.  Quiche can be made with any or all veggies you want to use up, also the addition of Daiya vegan cheese is delicious.

cheese grater or potato shredder
big mixing bowl
medium to large casserole dish

*    2 medium size red skin potatoes, washed, just cooked (baked, boiled, steamed or pressure cooked), not mushy and overcooked, then refrigerated until cold
 *    3 pkgs (each 15-16 oz.) of extra firm or firm tofu, drained
*    1/4 cup nutritional yeast, 2 tsps turmeric, salt or low salt seasoning to taste

Preheat oven to 400
Combine all ingredients with your hands, gently (not so rough that you make it complete mush), and press into place in casserole dish
Bake for around 35 minutes, broil to brown up the top
Let set in frig, if you can, before cutting (overnight is even better)

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