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chardonnay carrot tossed pasta and vegan"shrimp"

Sauce pan 
Big stock pot for boiling pasta
food processor

1 recipe of carrot chardonnay sauce (this sauce is perfection with seafoody items)
1/2 to 3/4 pound cooked pasta of choice, cooled with cold water and strained well
1 package of vegan shrimp (if you do not have this, you can substitute slightly steamed cauliflower, sliced lenghtwise into bite size pieces)
add a few green vegetables to this dish (had them ready to go and forgot, believe it or not) like spinach, asparagus or broccoli
kelp powder and vegan parmesan for topping

heat up your sauce and add the frozen "shrimp", cook around 15 minutes or so, taste to make sure you have enough salt (old bay).  Toss the sauce with the shrimp over the pasta until you have it coated and serve. Top with a little kelp powder and vegan parmesan.

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